Legal information

Business name

Kousuke Imanishi

Business location

24 Nishikidocho, Nara City, Nara Prefecture Kaimoto Building 1F

business contact

Business hours, shop information, etc.
Opening hours: 13:00-20:00
Closed: Irregular holidays

Selling price

The selling price is notation including tax.
In addition, a separate delivery fee may be charged. Please check the product detail page for shipping charges.

Payment method/timing

Payment method: Payment can be made by credit card and bank transfer.
Payment period: Payment will be confirmed when the product order is confirmed.

Product delivery time

After payment is confirmed, we will ship within 3 business days.
In the case of deferred payment, we will ship within 3 business days after confirming the order.

About returns

Due to the characteristics of the products we handle, we do not accept returns or exchanges due to customer convenience. note that. Regarding returns and exchanges, we will thoroughly inspect the product before shipping it, but in the unlikely event that there is a defect in the product, an accident during shipping, or a product different from the ordered product arrives, We apologize for the inconvenience, but please contact the store within 3 days after the product arrives, and then return it by cash on delivery in the packing material used to send the product. After checking the product at the store, we will refund the payment and cancel the order.